Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"I know"

I've been thinking a lot lately about what we call a testimony. I think sometimes we get carried away in the dramatics of boldly declaring that 'we know   with every fiber of our being, beyond the shadow of a doubt that something is true.'

And sometimes we do know something that surely.

But sometimes we don't. (I'm talking about myself here.)

Sometimes I say "I know" when I'm not certain. I want to give you a revised edition of my testimony. Things that I can't deny to be true. Things that have been confirmed to me in the most personal, sacred ways.

I know that this gospel is good. I know that through doing my best to live it, I'm a better person and I'm a lot happier. I know that I've been blessed by following God's commandments.

I know that God answers prayers. I've witnessed this too many times to deny it. It's not always in the way I want, or in the way I'm expecting -- sometimes it takes weeks or months or even years. But without fail, He answers me.

I know that through consistent study of the Book of Mormon and application of its teachings, I can find peace and happiness in my life. I know that I can find answers in the Book of Mormon. I can't explain to you all the details of how it came about, I don't know the entire history of each person featured within it's pages, but I know that I love it. I know that it has blessed my life.

I know that my relationship with my Savior is very special. I know I have felt the exeedingly great joy that comes from repenting, and I have felt the confirmation that my sins were forgiven. I don't know, nor do I pretend to comprehend Christ's infinite love for me and every person that has lived, but I know that I've felt it. I know that it's real, and I know that because of Him we can repent.

I know that Joseph Smith was called of God. There's no other way to explain it. He was a fourteen-year-old farm boy, how else could he establish a church? I know that if he wasn't a true prophet, this church would not be standing today.

I know that the words of our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, guide me and help me in my life. When he speaks, I feel the confirmation from the Holy Ghost that he was called of God. As I live by his teachings, I feel that same confirmation.

The only way I can truly know these things is by the power of the Holy Ghost. I didn't see the things that Joseph Smith saw, but when I read about his life and hear his testimony, I know that he knows. I can't see God, but I can feel His love for me. I don't know everything, but I know enough.

"By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:5)

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