Dear Mormon friends (and those familiar with LDS culture) (and other),
Today is a day worth blogging about.
But, let's be honest, everyday of my life is worth blogging about. (sarcasm)
Anyway, someday in the very near future, I will have the privilege of attending a talk given by Jeffery R. Holland. Yes. This is real life.
For all of you in the "other" category (and those not in the other category), this is significant because Jeffery R. Holland is an Apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
And that's significant because that means he has the authority to receive revelation for the entire world's population.
And that's significant because that means he talks to God, and for God. He's one of God's mouthpeices here on the earth. And I get to be in the same room as him.
Growing up, my family would listen to talks given by the prophets and apostles all the time, so I kind of took for granted how amazing it is to have someone living on the earth receiving modern revelation for all of God's children. Their entire job is to testify of Jesus Christ, and to help us come closer to Him.
Even though I didn't always recognize how important modern propehts and apostles are, I have always been able to find peace and comfort from their words, much like I would from the Bible or the Book of Mormon (it's all God's word). I know that you can find that same feeling of peace by reading the words of modern day prophets and apostles. I invite you to go to this website and see for yourself.
"I testify that you are individually loved of God, you are central to the meaning of His work, and you are cherished and prayed for by the presiding officers of His Church. The personal value, the sacred splendor of every one of you, is the very reason there is a plan for salvation and exaltation. Contrary to the parlance of the day, this is about you. No, don't turn and look at your neighbor. I am talking to you!" "I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines." -Elder Jeffery R. Holland
Comforting words, Sister Maddie. I am a big fan of Jeffery Holland. Lucky you to be able to see him in person!