My companion is gluten intolerant. Sometimes people forget about that, or they don't understand what that entails. Which is fine, unless they're feeding us dinner.
Recently we ate dinner with the sweetest elderly couple. They missed the memo about the gluten-free thing. So they made us lasagna. Which is totally alright with me, I love lasagna.
For those of you who don't know, lasagna is chock-full of gluten.
(Fudge is Gluten-free) |
Sister Snyder didn't want to offend. She knew that this dinner was prepared especially for us, so she ate it. Though, after the second piece, she was sore afraid for the well being of her intestine. (She tried to refuse the second piece, but the sweet sister was persitent, and Sister Snyder was polite.) We finished our lasagna, and the kind woman went to get us dessert. I saw her from the kitchen scooping ice cream and heaved a sigh of relief.
She came out with the ice cream, topped with two chewy, chocolate-chip cookies. More gluten.
Sister Snyder, not able to handle more gluten, passed me her cookie under the table as non-chalantly as possible.